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  • Mr Paul Clifton

Paper Tax Returns now only available on request

Updated: Mar 30, 2023

In 2021-22, around 97% of taxpayers, or their accountants, filed their Self Assessment Tax Returns online.

If you have to complete a Self Assessment Tax Return, and you want to complete it on paper for 2022-23 and future tax years, you will have to telephone H M Revenue & Customs, by calling them on 0300 2003 610, and ask them to post you a paper Self Assessment Tax Return.

H M Revenue & Customs has announced that the Self Assessment Tax Return for the 2022-23 year will not be available to download from their website either. You can of course use an accountant, who uses commercial software, to complete and electronically submit your Tax Return each year.

H M Revenue & Customs says that around 385,000 taxpayers sent their Self Assessment Tax Return in on paper for the tax year 2021-22. H M Revenue & Customs is writing to around 135,000 taxpayers, who normally prepare their Tax Return on paper, telling them that they will not automatically receive a paper Tax Return this year, and in future years, and encourage them to use online services instead.

All approved commercial Tax Return software will allow a completed Tax Return to be printed off which can then be signed and posted to H M Revenue & Customs. We wonder why anyone would use commercial software to prepare their Tax Return and then post it. Surely, it is much quicker and safer to click the online submit button on the software. At the same time, you would receive an immediate notification that H M Revenue & Customs has received your Tax Return online.

Taxpayers can already use HMRC’s own free website platform to file their Self Assessment Tax Return online, subject to a few exemptions.

This is part of the government’s objective to encourage everyone to interact with H M Revenue & Customs, and all other government bodies, digitally.

HMRC are trying to reduce the high-volume of paper letters and forms then it sends out each year and encourage taxpayers to use digital options instead

Probably sensibility, HMRC will not be contacting taxpayers aged over 70 or encourage them to file their Tax Returns online.

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